Call for Abstracts: The Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference 2023
The Quantitative Methods Research Group (QMRG) is inviting proposals for PGR-led sessions for the forthcoming RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, which will take place from Tuesday 29th August to Friday 1st September 2023 in London and Online.
We are interested in sponsoring a session(s) that is dedicated to the work of postgraduate students embracing quantitative methods to answer geographical research questions. We welcome anything to do with quantitative methods, methodologies, and data, which applies to both the human and physical sides of the discipline. The conference theme this year is Climate Changed Geographies.
The proposals can lead to paper sessions, poster presentations, or panels. A session time slot is 1 hour 40 minutes in length. If we have multiple applications, we can facilitate conversations to combine ideas.
All participants of the convened session are automatically considered for the QMRG’s Robin Flowerdew Award for best postgraduate paper, with the winner announced at the AGM during the conference.
Please send the following information as a word document to Laura Sheppard (, Ruth Neville (, and Yue Li ( by Friday 24th February 2023:
- Session title and abstract (250 words)
- Session organiser(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es)
- Session format and how many timeslots required
- Indication of preferred format (in-person, hybrid or online).
We will assess all the proposals and get back to you soon after that in order to submit the RGS-IBG form by Friday 24th March. More information can be found here.