We are happy to announce that we are seeking nominations for the ‘Social Media and Web Officer’ position on the QMRG committee. This is in order to replace the current post-holder, Dr Mark Green, who is completing their term. We thank Mark for their hard work over the last six years and wish them the best in their future.
Social Media and Web Officer role description
Main responsibilities include attending monthly QMRG meetings, leading on the design, maintenance and updating of the QMRG website, sharing posts and tweeting from the QMRG Twitter account, and leading the strategy for the dissemination of QMRG activities. You will also be expected to help out in other activities as part of QMRG (e.g., helping to review and judge the dissertation submissions). Time commitment is one hourly meeting per month, answering 1-2 emails each month, and updating the website/Twitter page when new announcements are required (1-2 times a month). Mark has agreed to help support and mentor any applicant in their transition into the role (e.g., how to update the website and Twitter page).
Mark said the following about the role: “I have really enjoyed being a part of QMRG over the last six years and playing a small role in the group’s prestigious history. It was a great opportunity to help shape the future of quantitative geography and I have thoroughly enjoyed the conversations that we have had on the committee.”
“If you are thinking about applying for the role, I would say go for it! It is not a large time commitment and the role has had a positive impact on my career. Most importantly, everyone on the committee are nice people and are a pleasure to work with.”
“I am excited to see where the the new officer will take QMRG web and social media activities next.”
How to apply
Deadline for submissions: 15th July 2023 16:00 GMT
Nominations for the available positions may include self-nominations and should be sent along with the name of a seconder and a brief statement of suitability. Please send any questions and nominations to QMRG secretary Dr Qunshan Zhao (email: Qunshan.Zhao@glasgow.ac.uk). A vote will take place on each new committee appointment at the 2023 QMRG Annual General Meeting at the 2023 RGS-IBG Annual Conference; exact date to be announced via Twitter).
We are particularly interested in supporting applications that will help diversify the group, especially from social groups and identities that face structural barriers to inclusion in academia. If you would like to informally discuss any of the equality, diversity and inclusivity issues related to the positions, please get in contact with Dr Caitlin Robinson as QMRG’s Diversity and Inclusion Officer (email: caitlin.robinson@bristol.ac.uk). Applications from ECRs are also welcomed and encouraged.
All committee positions normally have a three-year term. Ideally post-holders will be fellows of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS).
A full list of current committee positions and members can be viewed here.