Following our Annual General Meeting on the 1st September 2023, we are pleased to announce that we have appointed three new members to the QMRG committee.
Alessia Calafiore was appointed Treasurer. She is Lecturer in Sustainability and Urban Data Science at the Edinburgh Futures Institute and the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture of the University of Edinburgh. Her research sits at the intersection of Urban Planning, Geography and Computer Science and she is interested in developing new spatially informed computational methods to better understand the mutual relationship between human behaviours and their urban contexts.
Elisabetta Pietrostefani was appointed Website and Social Media officer. She is Lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the Geographic Data Science Lab at the University of Liverpool. She is geographic data scientist and urban geographer interested in combining new forms of data and survey techniques to improve the understanding of people’s evolving priorities in contemporary urban environments.
Stephen Law was appointed conference officer. He is Lecturer in Social and Geographic Data Science at University College London Geography. His current research interests lie at the confluence of machine learning, urban analytics, urban design and real estate analysis.
We are sorry to have to say goodbye to three excellent colleagues who have either reached their term limits or moving onto pastures new leading to these positions being vacant. They include our Treasurer Levi Wolf, Social Media and Website Officer Mark Green, and Conferences Officer Emmanouil Tranos. While we are sad to have to say goodbye, we can reflect over the skills, knowledge and energy they each brought to the committee and we thank them all sincerely for their help in promoting quantitative methods in Geography. They have each made significant changes and improvements to how QMRG operates, and their contributions will be missed. You can read more about previous members of the committee here.