As part of the QMRG’s regular reporting to the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), we provide short updates on our activities every 6 months. This page details a summary of activities between March 2022 and October 2022.
- We had two PGR sessions and a drink reception in the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2022, and co-sponsored three sessions. The Robin Flowerdew award has been awarded to Sian Teesdale from University of Liverpool.
- We gave one conference pass out this year to a global south participant from China and planned to have a more systematic way to assign them in the future years.
- The undergraduate dissertation prize has been set up and we awarded two winners for this year: Melissa McAlpine (University of Edinburgh) - Detecting the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Mangrove Damage and Recovery from Satellite Imagery Following Hurricane Irma in Cuba. Hollie Parry (University College London) - Projections of thermally induced coral bleaching across Caribbean reefs, using a marine heatwave algorithm.
- QMRG and GIScRG plan to submit joint application to support the international GIScience conference - GIScience 2023 - next year in Leeds.
- The SAM-QMRG collaboration has progressed forward and QMRG will apply to RSE research network grant and RSA network grant for organizing activities such as conference workshops, student-staff exchange, and methodology/open-source tools development.
- The new QMRG chair Francisco will lead the new development of CATMOG-QMRG project via computational notebooks.